コンテンツが溢れる時代の中で、それぞれのコンテンツがどのような背景で誕生したのかという「コンテクスト・文脈」の重要度が高まっています。例えばスポーツや映画の世界では、試合や作品といった「本番・完成品」だけでなく、それらが生まれる背景や関わる人々の物語をメイキング動画やBTS(Behind the Scenes)として見せることで、コンテクスト・文脈を語り、新たなファンを生み出すようになっています。私たちはそうした映像のことを「プロジェクト・ドキュメンタリー」と呼び、それらの表現を追求しています。
We are flooded with visual contents today. In particular, what has gradually been gaining popularity and growing in importance is “context”, or in other words, the background stories on how certain events were born and evolve. When we look at the worlds of sports or films, contexts are often told through BTS (Behind the Scenes) movies and descriptive narratives on games/matches or films, which are meant to raise sympathy and increase fans. We collectively call such visual contents “project documentary films”, and pursue the most effective, appealing, and expressive ways to produce them.
We believe “results” are NOT the only thing that matters, regardless of fields. For example, more and more companies wish to contribute to solve social issues through their CSV/CSR activities and they would like people to know the “processes” during their efforts. Project documentary film is one of the ways to describe such processes. Why did a project start in the first place? Who are leading it? How is it going to develop? We are committed to convey projects’ true value and the passion of people to the society by telling process stories through films.
company profile.
株式会社inaho / inaho Inc.
伊納達也 / Tatsuya Ino
鹿沼スタジオ:栃木県鹿沼市銀座 1-1274-1 inaho Filmmakers Studio
director's profile.

studio & library.
inaho Filmでは2019年より栃木県鹿沼市の元・園芸肥料店舗をお借りしてスタジオとしてリノベーションし、撮影・編集の拠点としてきました。2023年からはスタジオの一部を図書館としてOPEN。映像で「ものがたり」を語るための参考としてきた書籍たちの貸し出しを行なっています。詳細は以下からご覧ください。
inaho Film is located in Kanuma city, Tochigi since 2019. We renovated a closed-down garden soil shop into a filmmaking studio, and have collaborated with local people in various projects. In 2023, we opened a part of our studio as a public library. Why? Because we learn a lot from novels and narrative books in order to tell stories in films. We would like to share some of the books we’ve collected so far and be happy to lend them. For more information, please check out below.